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Administratorem danych osobowych jest AUTOJET Sp. z o.o., Poznań 60-413, Ul. Tatrzańska 20 Dane wpisane w formularzu kontaktowym będą przetwarzane w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na przesłane zapytanie.

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Maksymalny rozmiar filmu nie może przekraczać 15mb.
Administratorem danych osobowych jest AUTOJET Sp. z o.o., Poznań 60-413, Ul. Tatrzańska 20 Dane wpisane w formularzu kontaktowym będą przetwarzane w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na przesłane zapytanie.

Habits that will significantly improve the quality of life

Specialists in productivity and self-development, as well as from other similar areas, repeat the same thing. It is important to start your day right and finish it right. A few useful habits that can radically change the quality of life below.
The first hour on the important
After waking up, our body and brain did not have time to load up on daily routine tasks, so they have more charge to do something. "The first hour" is a figurative expression. Here it is important to start the day with the hardest work.
In some companies, it is critically important to respond quickly to mail. For such situations, it makes sense to set up filters with a separate notification and respond to them only after reaching the "point".
Multitasking does not exist
It takes an average of 5-15 minutes to restore the flow of thoughts. This is due to the mode of operation of the brain, which switches between thoughts, putting the inactive one in a kind of storage box.
This is especially critical when working with text, when thoughts are constantly floating in the brain and the structure of the future article is kept.
A colleague who looks in with a question will force the brain to switch to it, and put text thoughts aside. After communication, the brain will bring back the recent work, but the flow of thoughts will no longer be there. You will have to reread the text several times and enter the flow state again.
And so it is everywhere, but for the text it is most sensitive.
Keep learning
The easiest way is a playlist on YouTube with videos of 5-15 minutes. Even 5 minutes of video a day will be enough because in a week they will turn into 35 minutes of training.
Lateral thinking
Traditionally, we think in vertically logical stages according to generally accepted recommendations. At the output we get the expected result.
Lateral thinking is a view of the problem from different sides in violation of all established canons.
It is not necessary to meditate. It is enough to relax and observe what is happening around. Even this is enough to reduce the effects of stress.
Practicing this for 5 minutes a day will allow you to perceive stressful situations more calmly over time and make more effective decisions.
Reading is a gym for the brain. A large number of departments are involved in the process. They all interact to understand what they read. Reading develops thinking and thinking more consciously.
By adhering to these habits, life will change for the better. Attitudes to old problems will change, stress levels will decrease and productivity will increase. Əgər pul qazanmaq istəyirsinizsə, birinci növbədə bukmeker kontorunun saytına baxmağınız məsləhət görünür mostbet az indir bunun əvəzində, saytın mobil versiyası da mövcuddur və bu, qumar bazarında səyahət edən insanlar üçün ideal variantdır

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Administratorami danych osobowych jest Autojet spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k., Poznań 60-413, Ul. Tatrzańska 20, Autojet Sp. z o.o. ul. Tatrzańska 20, 60-413 Poznań, „Autojet” Radosław Juszczyński ul. Lęborska 26A, 60-431 Poznań. Dane wpisane w formularzu kontaktowym będą przetwarzane w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na przesłane zapytanie.